Thursday 8 October 2009

The Best Return Gift

I was sleeping in the lawn
It was a pleasant dawn
Opened my eyes gently
It was just drizzling, my thoughts sizzling

As I got up and looked at the Sky
Found a mighty rainbow spreading wide
I was amazed and praised god for his creation, praised him for this innovation

All of a sudden I wondered, I am able to feel what all he has created. Than the beauty of nature, was surprised with my ability to see and enjoy it. to express my joyousness with words. Listening to the same and feeling great. At once I felt I am wonder myself.

With these actions I possessed, I felt blessed. I was excited for being alive and for being able to feel all this. I couldn't stop myself in thanking god for making me this way. It was a never asked gift, a real precious gift.

I wanted to justice for this life and for god definitely a favor, after all he is keeping me alive.

For a while I thought what can I give him. Many thoughts passed by nothing worth. The only thing that struck in this process, the best gift to him can only be one. "The way I use his gift", yes the way I live my life. Only this convinced me to be a viable gift for him.

As I thought through
My mind said "Let's do it"
Conscience said "Make it the best return gift."


Unknown said...

Chala bagundhi.....
A lovely thought expressed in a wonderful words

Srinivas Aditya Mopidevi said...
