Thursday 31 December 2009

Rainbow; A Happy Bow

I was carrying lot of mission in my thoughts. "For sure I wanted to change the world", is the thought I was carrying on my smile when I walked to the woods behind my farm house. There is a lake nearby the woods, possessing tranquillity as its attitude. I haven't been there before, but this time something was drawing me towards it. Unknowingly I started walking towards the lake. My dad always used to tell me," It is a natural resting place, whenever you sit on the banks of it, you will feel, that is the best place one can feel of". These words were pouring in my mind and I was walking towards the lake unknowingly.

I reached the lake sat down with one foot down in water wet till little above ankles. The water was little chilled, gave me a fresh feel of breeze. Then started little drizzling and it was really soothe at touch. It was very scenic and as I looked at the sky, I saw a cloud slowly diluting and moving. From them a bunch of sun rays were trying to bisect. Some could some could not. At the juncture I could see multiple colours for a short while. What a sight it was. As the cloud became thinner, the light started creeping in. mixing with the drizzle and cloud vapour, light was giving out seven colours. It was not consistent, varying with the position of cloud and shining at different colours at short intervals.

It was a colour delight and I fell in love. I liked the rainbow for its willingness to form. The colour delight was getting intense, seven colours were dancing. Very soon it took the bow shape and the cloud got thinner. It was as if coloured rays coming out of a silver lining. Golden sun rays added to the beauty, that makes say what a sight! Eyes raised in pomp and vision made merry out of this. In this feast it taught me the secret of success, to hold to your belief that you can be a rainbow irrespective of whatever comes in the middle.

I got up and challenged myself with a year time, to get the rainbow out of me.

"Here you are…” said dad, stopping the car. I woke up and was enthralled at sweet my memories. So strong, I am dreaming about them. Dad said, "Go, watch your Rainbow, I will be waiting at the resort nearby."

I got down the car and was walking towards the lake. I sat down at the same place waiting for my colour delight. I was spot on, nature showed me its wonder and yea this time colour delight was very pleasant. What a sight and what a sigh of inspiration. I just said myself, "Rainbow changed my life... What a transformations I have got in myself..."

I recorded this moment for dreaming during my next visit, and felt like moving. I got up and bowing to the Rainbow said, "Thank you Rainbow; for you a Happy bow"

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