Friday 9 May 2008

Curve of Smile and Drop of Tear

I have been to a movie. There was a laughter situation in it. I noticed everyone was laughing in the theatre.

In the same movie there was an emotional scene. I was in tears and just looked around. there were few in the similar state.

This surprised me, why there is a mixed reaction when it comes to tears, why people find it easy to laugh and difficult to cry ?

Are we selfish in doing this, as laughter makes us happy .. as I read through my life, I remember the situations I cried than the situations I was in huge laughter...

having said this, this would be a situation in most of our lives, where you have tears in your eyes and smile on your lips.

a scene where your one and half year old niece is waiting to see you come back from office.

your 3 year old bro eager to give you a candy that he bought...

yourself eager to tell about your accomplishment to your MOM..

giving a hearty gift to your friend who means a lot to you..

I seriously wonder, I had a smile on my face yet a wetness in my eyes when I was present alive in the above scenes...

how did they intersect. When you feel, someone means you a lot and vice versa, the logic in brain doesn't work. you are in the waves of your heart and which makes your mind feel great.

you relish the concern they have for you, and your heart feels lighter and happier.. this results in the curve of smile on your lips.

you feel lucky for being in that stage and here comes a thought "Lucky me" which breaks the ice and comes out as drops of tears.

this conjunction results a lovable feel in your thoughts and memories.

It is stored permanently in your heart with the tag "Curve of Smile and Drop of Tear"


Unknown said...

u are too good..
u tend to concentrate on those small incidents that we generally overlook or dont think about...
great explanation of emotions with a poetic touch...

Nuclear Reactor said...


Little things have lots in them :-)

Unknown said...

i truly agree with that..
keep ur good wrk goin n remindin ppl of d small things...

Nuclear Reactor said...



Unknown said...

u could put into words the most sensitive feelings built together…...