Saturday 14 June 2008

Nails on I

I have a big mirror in my thoughts. When I look at it.. I see 3 lines… couple of them are parallel to each other and the other is perpendicular to the rest two. Well to Keep it simple it is the letter “I”. This letter I reflects everything that is happening in my life and do makes me heed to it.

During the course of living so far, I managed to understand what is failure and what is success. Well the message I learnt was there is nothing called failure J.

It is just an event happening in life where you are geared to a calculated modification with respect to your thoughts and senses. Every event of this kind takes the form of a nail being hit on to my “I”

Every nail that goes in has a series of hammer shots.. and every shot has an impact on the ideology… for sure it is painful and every pain you take sketches your character.

I had to take a nail recently in, it was hit so deep with only it’s head out of me. Was thinking why it pierced so deep realized I am in need of such a big change. I had to paint a picture when the nail was being pierced and had to manage it well. This time tears were angry with me and did not come out, yet raised a flame like feeling making me to feel the heat…

I had to be positive about this, rather took the option to be so. Taking the breath with nail right at the heart was not so easy every inhale reminded of pain and every exhale of the next big challenge. After 5-10 series of them, my mind started taking steps to overcome this pain.

The thought to overcome was enough to pour some strength in to me, and with that I have to manage the effect on my “I”. Between, I heard a voice, which was reminding me of my potential, well it was my own voice, reading the possessions I got into my character when nails were hit previously.

Every change was unique and so will be this. I have nothing to say on what this is… just watch out…


Vijay Rayapati ( said...

I think you have learned/learning "how to overcome the opposite outcome in life (what we expect and what we get)". If we can master this then we can control what we want in life.

If I can put it in a simple equation ( I borrowed it from Jack Canfield), Life is :

E + R = O

E-Events happening in our life

R - Our Response to those events

O - Outcomes in our life (what we are experiencing )

When we don't like the outcomes in our life , we need to change our response to get what we want,which we need to learn and implement to grow in our life.

Nuclear Reactor said...

i think i am still in the process of learning..

Thanks for the equation.. I am going to steal it from you :-).

Thanks for the comment though.